Does Blogging Actually Help SEO? 

August 19, 2019


One question that is becoming rather prevalent is this – does blogging actually help SEO?

Well, the simple answer is yes. Blogging helps you to boost SEO quality by presenting your website as a relevant and direct answer to the questions of your customers. 

With the help of blog posts that use different on-page SEO tactics, you get more opportunities to be ranked in search engines. Consequently, you’ll find yourself to attract new customers or increase organic traffic to your business.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become an incredibly useful tool for marketers due to the increased visibility that comes with it. Your website becomes more visible to people who type in keywords associated with your products or services. 

Truth is having a blog isn’t exactly a ranking factor in itself but it sure helps with important factors that factor in ranking. With regular and high-quality blog posts, your website has a better chance of being a success. 

Here are some of the ways in which blogging helps search engine optimization:

Blogging Keeps Your Website Fresh and Relevant

The sight of a website that has not been updated for a while is discouraging and it is a huge deal-breaker for many consumers. It is hard to trust any information on a website that was last updated some three or five years ago. 


The main concern is that the company that owns the website may have gone out of business. Another concern is that such information may be false or if true, no longer relevant. 

Therefore, a website with current and regularly updated posts possess fresh and current information that Google will be more tempted to give its users. How best to keep your website fresh and current if not a blog? 

Blogging Engages Your Audience people_reading_an_enagaging_blog_post

 To be clear, Google has never expressly stated that dwell time or the time spent on websites by users factor into their ranking. However, they’ve made a number of statements that makes it rather vivid that it does tell in the ranking factor.  

Someone that sees a simple-to-read and informative blog posts will more likely stay on that website than a person that lands on a website with shoddy blog posts

Blogging offers you the opportunities for Internal Link Building 

SEO is simply about links, links and links. One of the simplest and easiest ways to get these links is through the use of internal links. It is very important to your business that you have internal links that direct users from one page to another. 

Without blog posts, your chances of having this may just be limited to main pages. But if you have blog posts, the opportunities multiply. The links also get more natural. 

Blog Posts Present A Platform For Building Backlinks

As I’ve said earlier, links play a huge role in SEO, but what really puts you ahead of others is external links or backlinks. The moment other trustworthy and reputable websites referring their users to your website, Google start seeing you as more of an authority. This factors greatly in your ranking. 

Blog posts are the best way to build strong backlinks to your website.  

All of the things you can do through blogging will one or another help your SEO practice.