First Page Google Ranks: What are They Worth?

April 1, 2019

First page Google ranking worthpg

Getting a top 5 rank on Google or any other search engine results page is important to businesses everywhere but…

What does it really worth?

Are SEO resources worth investing? What does it cost a company to attain the #1 Google rank for target keywords?

The truth remains that good advertising will mostly cost you good money. To estimate the value of a top Google ranking for your enterprise, here are some things to put to mind.

Importance Of Google Rankings To Businesses

A look at this data from Advanced Web Ranking will give you a straightforward idea of what top SERP rankings are worth.

In 2019, above 30% traffic share of click-through-rates (CTR) from PC users goes to the highest ranked result (and above 25% for mobile users). In simple terms, this means that businesses ranked on Google’s first page have a 30% chance of getting visitors using a PC and 25% from mobile phone users.

This simple arithmetic is a great deal to businesses. Businesses that are fortunate enough to make the first page have up to 30% chance of landing a client or making sales than lower ranked on Google’s SERP.

The Specificity of Search Terms

Search terms can be seen differently with regards to their Click-through rates. Some search terms are bent towards users clicking on higher ranked results. These type of keywords (search items) are very specific and have strict navigation properties. An example would be a brand search (like Amazon, eBay) or search query that will always lead to the business.

Some search terms have tight competition for ranking, mostly caused by an even distribution of clicks by users. Location-based searches also suffer tough competition from sources like Google Map. The kind of item the user is searching for, affects the rankings randomly since this kind of user is browsing and no math can make their decisions.

The target keywords play a big role in determining the ranking.

What Is Your Google Ranking Worth?

You can estimate how much money a high google ranking is earning your business just by punching in the numbers.

  • First, you’ll need to figure out your average value per sale and the percentage of website visitors that make a purchase.
  • Next, find out the search volume for your key term and estimate the number of clicks the top ranking results get.
  • Calculate your value per rank. Average Sale Value X Conversion Rate (percentage of positive responses) X Top Rank Conversion = Value Per Rank.

Can Your Business consider it an Investment?

Is investing in your Google ranking profitable?

Most of it depends on your value per rank. However, you have to understand your target search term and what it entails.

How are the keyword rankings distributed?

What is your potential conversion rate?

How much do you think those customers would cost your business?

After answering these questions, it’s certain you’ll come up with a decision.

Need Help Getting Your Business To Google’s First Page?

Once you make the decision, the next step is to start getting your business to rank for targeted keywords on Google’s first page.

While this may seem like a daunting task at first, the rewards are pivotal to the success of your business in the long run.

In any case that you need any assistance getting your business to the first page of Google, we are a Kalamazoo SEO agency. Contact us here to get a free SEO Audit and access the chances of your business.